* Peter Warlock Society
Listing Details
‘Philip Heseltine/Peter Warlock, a man of many inter-connected but diverse talents was born in the Savoy Hotel, London, on 30 October 1894. His death on 17 December 1930 at 30 Tite Street, Chelsea is marked by a plaque there. His education fitted his family's status: Stone House, Broadstairs (1904 - 1908), Eton (1908 - 1911), Christ Church, Oxford (1913 - 1914), and University College, London (Michaelmas 1914 - one term). Largely influenced by other composers - Delius, van Dieren, Quilter, and Bartók - he had little formal training. A deep poetic insight prompted particular sympathies for Yeats, Robert Nichols (a friend), the Elizabethans (especially Shakespeare) and, at the end of his life, Bruce Blunt. A strong Celtic affinity caused him to study Cornish, Welsh, Irish, Manx and Breton ...’
Note also the extensive Wikipedia article.
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